
LAB Project - Leave A Book Project

An update is long due, and finally I have found the perfect inspiration and reason for it.

It amazes me how one little second, one fleeting thought and one simple idea can lend itself to inspiring someone. I had one of those moments in the past few weeks. Ever since I thought of inspired(preneurs) and came up with the logo and such, I have been getting so much support and well wishes from the people who know about it. It is really encouraging and is pushing me to make sure I make this a daily task and not just let it sit idle for a months on end.

The changes and trends of inspired(preneurs) will come to you through this blog, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. However, I want to use this post today to talk about the first Inspired(Preneurs) project: L.A.B Project

L.A.B Project stands for "Leave A Book Project".

I have always been a bookworm, the type that gets yelled at by their parents because you are ruining your eyes squinting kate at night with a flashlight under the covers. Every year I make it a point to finish a set number of books and usually I am successful, but sometimes it saddens me how much I neglect this hobby. Whenever this thought crosses my mind I make it a point to grab a book. My kindle, iPad and bookshelves are packed with books from 1st grade till now. The type of education you can get from a great book is unlimited and inspiring.

My parents have always fostered this hobby and passion for me, as well as help me donate books to local drives through the years. It's sad to say that I have not done any type of book donation in a long time, but I am tired of feeling that way and not doing something about it. Now I will be doing something and I want you to join me as well.


(I know this was a long post, I also have a video uploaded if you rather listen to that; but the visual and audio options are both available)

1) Pick a book that you have already read and feel comfortable parting with. Make sure you have read the book and have some sort of feeling towards it. You don't have to love, like or cherish the book; it can be controversial, a book you want to get rid of, or any other emotion this book may provoke in you. As long as their is an emotion.

2) On the top place a note that indicates it is safe to pick the book up and take. You can put things such as
"I am free, pick me" "A quick pick me up" "YOU should pick me up"..I am sure you all could come up with even more creative messages

3) On the inside put any message you would like. You can write it directly on the front or back cover, or place a note inside it. The note could be a quote, a message, an advice. The choice is yours. The only thing I ask you to add in there is my email : inspiredpreneur@gmail.com and indicate that whoever picks it up if they could insert a message in the book, place it somewhere and email me a picture of the location, or an email with the location.

I ask that if you have access to a camera then you take a picture of the book at the place that you place it. Putting it somewhere where you know there is a chance of someone picking it up would be ideal, but I am also curious and excited to see the types of places people choose to place their book at. It does not have to be a high def picture, the point is not to get a great picture..the point is to see where these books may go, and what these messages may mean.

Please share this post and this video. I am beyond excited to see where this project may go, but wherever it goes (or doesn't) I know that at least somewhere someone may have picked up a book and read a message that they might have needed that day.

LAB Project

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