
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

We shouldn't need a certain moment to awaken our conscious, however as humans we truly learn when to engage and disengage from so many situations. It also serves as a survival tactic and as a way for us to keep our sanity. We cannot fight every battle and we cannot argue with every sentiment.

However, there are certain moments that not only awaken you but they force you to wake others up around you. I had one of those the other day.

I grew up in New York during 9/11. In fact I witnessed from my classroom, along with my eccentric music teacher and classmates, one of the planes hit the tower. The feelings and the emotions leading up from that day to now are immense and too hard to encapsulate. However, one thing I felt very fortunate for was that my family did not suffer any huge atrocities that would jade our minds and hearts. We experienced human kindness and sorrow and shared in the grief of a nation. My father knew to stress the fact that we must separate our politics from our humanity. 

Since 9/11, every big and small attack that has happened on American soil has created a bigger barrier for people of my religion and race. We are always praying that please God do not let it be another Islamic radical doing this, please protect me and my family from the hatred of people who do not know better. We have come to a point in our society where before we even feel sadness and grief we automatically look for connections that are not important at that moment, or connections that we force ourselves to make - just to make sense of it all. The media lends itself to feed our minds with a tasty meal of "here believe this" and we swallow it down and sometimes experience a bitter aftertaste.

I could go on and on about politics and the media and all of that, however, I feel that my counterparts have posted much more poignant articles that can help address that. This post is more for me to question myself and those around me and see, how did we arrive here? Let me tell you why this question has become so important to me.

On Saturday morning around 8:40 AM I was headed into work. The neighborhood I work around has a lot of dogs, so you become accustomed to seeing some familiar faces and do the occasionally hello and head nods. That morning I saw a man looking at me very intently with a very solemn face. I really was too sleepy, groggy and apathetic to make anything of his stare. As I was crossing I hear him say "fucking terrorist". I was so stunned, because this was the first time, ever, that I had ever encountered someone saying this to my face. I literally stopped in the middle of the road. Then heard a car honk, started walking and heard him yell "You did this in Boston". I was in a crossroad right at that moment, literally and figuratively. For those who know me, you know that I am fierce and feisty and do not take name calling or disrespect lightly. However, I could have either crossed the street at that time and entertained his ignorant mind, or be late to work. At that moment, being late to work for this man did not seem worth it.

I did not let myself think too much about it after I went to work, but it did keep replaying in my mind. I was stunned to think what made him feel so confident in spewing those words out without a second thought. I should also mention that I was wearing a scarf that people at work call my "Little Red Riding Hood scarf" because it has a hood and wraps around. I suppose it was that symbol and that article of clothing that made him feel so confident in labeling me. This one article of clothing was so threatening to him that his anger and his words could not be contained in his heart. After work ended I ended up sharing this with a few of my co-workers

They were appalled and so furious, that I or anyone like me would have to endure something like that. I told them that I was willing to debate to defend my religion, my views and my beliefs but when someone says things like that to you, there is no defense to be made. My religion cannot be undermined by words that do not define it.

That is when it truly hit me, is this where we have arrived? Have we arrived in a point in society where we do not hesitate to say things without realizing what sort of consequence it might have. Perhaps I was able to ignore it but what if someone else could not? What if some fight had broken out at that time and I was on the receiving end of being physically hurt. I refuse to apologize for any of these losers who in the past have murdered so many civilians, in the same way I do not expect any Christian or Catholic or anyone else to apologize for Columbine or Sandy Hook.

We have arrived in such a place that we do not even feel shame to name call, or hide behind hurtful comments of our 14" computer screens. It made my heart feel so heavy, and even jaded for the rest of the night. When I woke up the next morning, one of my sweet beautiful co-workers wrote this status:

How can I possibly sit there and feel jaded and hurt by this one man, or  any others like him? In my 23 years of life, I have been blessed to be born Muslim, gone to Catholic school, blessed with White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Hindu, Atheist and Agnostic friends (and many more of course). I have stepped inside a Sikh Temple, A Hindu temple and prayed for peace inside a Mosque. I have Christian friends willing to protect my mind physically and emotionally. I have a Hindu friend that invites me to her home for Holi and comes to celebrate Ramadan with my family. HOW Can I hate? If we really stopped to look around we would realize how little we have to hate. I am not bringing politics into this and you know why? Because politics can be argued and debated, I do not agree with all my friends on their beliefs and stands on various issues but my friendship with them is not diminished because of it. There is no debate to be had when ignorant or racial slurs are thrown at people.

We are approaching such a time where we are diverse but starting to become segregated. Instead of realizing that politics and social issues can be fought with petitions, awareness and elections, we make it a personal battle and hurt the people around us who have no fault in all of this.

This is becoming a long post and I feel like I can write on and on about this. The point is really simple though: people who feel the need to hurt others in such large scales do not belong to any region, religion or creed that would truly own them. They are a breed of their own. Our politics and religions should be the beautifying features of or world, not the polarizing factor. You do not have to love everyone, but you should not hate everyone either. If one loser kills thousands of innocent people, it does not mean that thousands of people that represent that person are out to get you. 

Trust me, I also do not feel hatred towards the man who called me this name. In fact, I can imagine that there are so many people out there who may feel this way because they had a loved one who was hurt or affected, or they have not had the fortune of meeting people that represent the better side of that religion or that race. I hope if any of you read this, you will understand that there are much more people sharing the grief every time this nation is under any sort of attack or threat. Take the time out to ask questions, venture outside of your comfort zone. If there is anything I can do to help, then please let me know that too.

The most important thing that I want to say is this, I am extremely blessed to have parents that thought me what love is - in its purest form. I am blessed to have an open mind and heart that allows me to love and accept my religion as well as be respectful of others. I am blessed to be in a country where I can write this from my bed and not worry about being alienated. I am blessed that no matter what, the good will always outweigh the bad. Words are profound, and I hope mine may have created an impact for someone, somewhere.

Spread love.


Scared in my own Skin

In light of the verdict for the Stuebenville rapists, I felt today was the right day to start my blogging process again. For the past few months I have written endless notes of topics I want to discuss, things I want to say and words I want to get out. Often I would let my own laziness consume me, and somedays I would just feel dejected by the whole process altogether.

For the past few months I have felt so broken, hopeless and sad at the state of our society. I know that is such a broad statement but I am specifically upset at the numerous rapes, suicides [due to rape] and assault that so many women have to face. It really makes me feel like I am useless in this fight against women by the sick bastards in our society. However, everyday I realize that the real way to get justice for all the injustice they face is by carrying on with my normal daily life, and being active in educating myself and others on the ways to practically help our society in this front. However, that is sometimes so much easier said than done.

Everyday I am made more aware of my own gender, my own flesh and my own body. The news, the events and the scary stories in my local area make me feel this way. Yesterday night just solidified that for me.

I like to think that I am pretty feisty and fierce when it comes to protecting my 4'11, 95 pound self. My father has made it a point to put me in karate and build up my own confidence so that I can feel empowered. I have been on my own since I was 17 and have usually lived alone for the most part. I am usually aware of my surrounding and I know what to do when someone makes me feel threatened. I have walked around in the streets of Chicago late at night, I have walked the streets of New York at 2 or 3 in the morning. I have to say that often I feel blessed to encounter more good people than bad (for lack of a better term) ones. Every so often though I am reminded of how easy it is for me to feel scared and patronized, and the refuge I seek at that time is in the protection of a man.

At first I use to feel cheapened that as a modern day woman I would need to seek a man to protect me. However, everyday I see this less as a battle against me and the men out there. I let my mind and body know that looking for protection in a scary situation is often provoked by a man, but often I am also safeguarded by a man as well. This cycle of good and bad is no new concept in our society. In the same way that there are women who abuse and rape men, there are also good women who protect and cherish them. Let me share what happened to me last night that really made me want to write this piece.

I was coming home yesterday relatively early. I work in West Village and have to take the 1 train all the way to 242nd, which is Yonkers. It's usually a ride that makes me feel safe because the neighborhood is no longer is foreign to me and I am aware of what to look out for if I feel scared. Sometimes my own ability to be fierce makes me put my own guard down, but not last night. A 5 foot man was standing next to me as I was sitting down, he was eyeing me and usually these glances do not bother me. I realize we are human and we have the tendency to stare at things that intrigue us, or make us wonder, or make us say "WTF".

I didn't pay much attention to this man. Then he started talking to these two men in front of him, and he took his foot out and almost tried to kick the man's son. The man said "Sir, you need to relax. I am not trying to start a fight and go to jail" At that moment, the creep (as I will call him) gets soo close to my face, I could feel his sick breath. I immediately shot him my deadliest glance. He started laughing and waving to me, he starts eyeing my phone and me. I have not felt this kind of fear in me for a while. I immediately put my phone away and avoided his glance. That did not make him avoid me. Then finally I asked the man in front of me if I could sit next to them, I felt maybe I was at least safe next to them. I felt at any instance if the man reached out to me, he could really hurt me - not that he would be able to do that so easily, I know how to fight back. The nice man let me sit there and then the creep followed me there as well. Then I got up, almost pushing him out of the way and went and just stood next to the man. I let him know I am sorry to bother him but I just felt a bit scared. He said don't worry, you are safe here. The moment of realization that I needed another man to protect me, made me confused and safe at the same time. I realized immediately that the struggle is not always between man and woman, it's between the sick minded evil creeps and the everyday normal and benevelont ones. The man ended up following me to my last stop to make sure I was safe. I have never got off so quickly, and I immediately called my mother and she heard the fear in my voice.

Here is my main point in telling you this story. As a woman there are certain times that we have to accept that we do need protection. I am not blaming myself, or any other woman for attracting the sick creeps. We are in no way responsible for idiots and imbeciles that have no control over their desires. However, we do have to keep aware of our surrounding and when we may need to seek a safe haven in order to protect ourselves. I do not feel any less of a woman or any weaker if I ask another man to help me if I do not feel safe, it is a wonderful quality that men have and it's one that I am willing to embrace.

The rapes in India, America and the everyday assaults we hear about really can be demoralizing. I know often I wonder what can I do to stop these right now? The least I can do is keep myself safe, educate those around me the best way I know how and also appreciate the many good people out there that fight silent and loud battles to keep us safe. We need to engage men in our own fight against these deadly and silent attacks. There are more men out there that are willing to respect, love and protect women and would risk their own safety for ours. We can't forget them either. The united connection between men and women in this fight is what ultimately can make a difference, and help us work towards a safer society. It can't ever be beneficial for us to think its an us (women) vs them (men). The  fight is more of a battle between men and women who are united and want to fight together against those sick, imbecile and flawed criminals.

Now I ask you, if you had the time and money to do one thing against this fight (something more practical and not just idealistically appealing), what would you do?


LAB Project - Leave A Book Project

An update is long due, and finally I have found the perfect inspiration and reason for it.

It amazes me how one little second, one fleeting thought and one simple idea can lend itself to inspiring someone. I had one of those moments in the past few weeks. Ever since I thought of inspired(preneurs) and came up with the logo and such, I have been getting so much support and well wishes from the people who know about it. It is really encouraging and is pushing me to make sure I make this a daily task and not just let it sit idle for a months on end.

The changes and trends of inspired(preneurs) will come to you through this blog, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. However, I want to use this post today to talk about the first Inspired(Preneurs) project: L.A.B Project

L.A.B Project stands for "Leave A Book Project".

I have always been a bookworm, the type that gets yelled at by their parents because you are ruining your eyes squinting kate at night with a flashlight under the covers. Every year I make it a point to finish a set number of books and usually I am successful, but sometimes it saddens me how much I neglect this hobby. Whenever this thought crosses my mind I make it a point to grab a book. My kindle, iPad and bookshelves are packed with books from 1st grade till now. The type of education you can get from a great book is unlimited and inspiring.

My parents have always fostered this hobby and passion for me, as well as help me donate books to local drives through the years. It's sad to say that I have not done any type of book donation in a long time, but I am tired of feeling that way and not doing something about it. Now I will be doing something and I want you to join me as well.


(I know this was a long post, I also have a video uploaded if you rather listen to that; but the visual and audio options are both available)

1) Pick a book that you have already read and feel comfortable parting with. Make sure you have read the book and have some sort of feeling towards it. You don't have to love, like or cherish the book; it can be controversial, a book you want to get rid of, or any other emotion this book may provoke in you. As long as their is an emotion.

2) On the top place a note that indicates it is safe to pick the book up and take. You can put things such as
"I am free, pick me" "A quick pick me up" "YOU should pick me up"..I am sure you all could come up with even more creative messages

3) On the inside put any message you would like. You can write it directly on the front or back cover, or place a note inside it. The note could be a quote, a message, an advice. The choice is yours. The only thing I ask you to add in there is my email : inspiredpreneur@gmail.com and indicate that whoever picks it up if they could insert a message in the book, place it somewhere and email me a picture of the location, or an email with the location.

I ask that if you have access to a camera then you take a picture of the book at the place that you place it. Putting it somewhere where you know there is a chance of someone picking it up would be ideal, but I am also curious and excited to see the types of places people choose to place their book at. It does not have to be a high def picture, the point is not to get a great picture..the point is to see where these books may go, and what these messages may mean.

Please share this post and this video. I am beyond excited to see where this project may go, but wherever it goes (or doesn't) I know that at least somewhere someone may have picked up a book and read a message that they might have needed that day.

LAB Project


(philanthropic) material girl

I have always been a girly girl. Anyone who knows me will attest to that claim. However, I have never been one to NEED that thousand dollar purse over the twenty dollar one that looks just as similar. As I get older I find myself attracted to companies that are growing, and starting up, with a philanthropic mindset. Even big designers are slowly using their fame to deliver social messages among their industry. This is one trend I can totally get on board with.

One sector, in particular, that is leading in socially conscious retail is casual street wear companies. There are two particular companies that pop into my mind whenever I think about this term, Convey and BucketFeet. When you visit their site, it is instantly obvious that they just do not want their customers wearing their brand. They want their customers to find a meaning deeper than that. Clothes and food (art in general) has the ability to unite minds and heart in a way that simple policies cannot.

I don't think I will be describing what BucketFeet does, because they probably could say it better than I can. Here is an excerpt from their site
    We've made shoes that are super original and unbelievably comfortable and light at a very affordable price. We've hand-selected artists to create exciting designs that are also extremely versatile. Our product quality is unmatched and we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of design.
BucketFeet gives artists a platform to connect with people and showcase their work in a new way. This is why the brand was started, and this is our central focus. We give back to artists by purchasing their work, and paying them royalties for every pair of shoes we sell. It doesn't stop there. We also support kids through programs in art, music, and sports. Aaron and Raaja met volunteering with kids, and it's important for us to stay true to the story of the brand. With every purchase, we donate a percentage of sales to our non-profit partners. "

 What I find beautiful about this brand is that the founders go out of their way to find artists from all over the country, and incorporate them into the brand. They are open to expanding broadly, if the right opportunity arises. This connection between countries via art on shoes (something we all use) is a phenomenal idea. They do not go about the conventional way of simply hiring the most well known artist for their brands. Instead they take an artist and make them well known through their brand. I have tremendous respect for them. I am so glad to hear that they have my size so I can't wait to order my pair.

They are also extremely responsive via email and twitter. All the links are either hyperlinked or you can find all of them at the bottom of this post.

Convey is another brand that I also find myself drawn too. They may even be a bit more well known among those who are into this genre of clothing. Again I will use their excerpt to describe their brand. 
     "We all aspire to let the world know what defines us as individuals. We all want to convey a message personal to us. A message that explains to the world who we are. We use different mediums like fashion, art, and music to explore and craft our unique messages. Through these mediums we convey ours:
We are only as strong as our weakest link.
Humanity represents this link as a whole. When one chain of the link becomes impoverished, we all become powerless. Millions around the world live in conditions far worse than ours and without the luxuries we are so fortunate to have. Even basic human necessities such as water, food, shelter, clothing, and education are scarce in many parts of the world. We want to improve these living conditions. We want to aid global causes in simplistic ways to convey our support for humanity.
Our goal is create an initiative where simple acts result in huge impacts in parts of the world.
We are not fashion designers. We are just people with a voice. People who wear our hearts on our sleeve."

The tone of their brand is very apparent through this excerpt. They want to design with a vision and with a purpose and that is what they do. They don't sell their clothing, instead they provide vital elements to those who cannot acquire it on their own. They have teamed up with CharityWater (which is an excellent organization) to help deliver water to those in need. They take the simple things we take for granted, pair it with things we buy for luxury purpose and create a brand around that.
I would love to see if Convey, BucketFeet and others like them could even collaborate and create something big for this fashion scene. Perhaps a week of fashion show theme events that also raises money for charities. When I see such things I gain more respect for our generation and start having that much more faith in humanity.
Keep up the work classy people. Stay stylish' 
More Info
twitter (aaron) 
twitter (raaja)
twitter (convey)


captive minds (9/11 story)

A captive mind is a dangerous weapon, especially when we don't realize it. One way to get out of this captivity, I have found, is to question your inner demons and angels. Ask yourself questions that really get at the core of why you feel a certain way. Don't make the mistake of thinking you don't judge, or that you do not hold prejudice and stereotype. That flawed thinking is precisely what sometimes leads to us having more of these preconceived notions. I find myself thinking and questioning my actions more and more as I see new injustice unfold in the world.

Right now I just want to share a story.

During 9/11 I was in my second hour music class. We all were just being lazy students and our eccentric music teacher was in her own disheveled world. At this precise moment we noticed a birdlike object approaching the twin tours. I promise that looking back now there is nothing I regret more, however we were kids and we were in the thought that bad things just do not happen to us. We laughed and called this "bird" an idiot for flying soo low. Then we see smoke come out of the tours and even then we didn't react as we should. It was not until TV's were brought into our classroom and students were coming into my class to see if they could see the tours still, many of their parents were working in the area. I still remember being mad at the fact that my parents didn't pick me up from school. The depth of what had happened never hit until a few months later.

My dad worked in Manhattan at a quaint restaurant and all of a sudden his name tag was not well received anymore. My mom and I would wait near the subway to make sure he would be safe coming home. I have to say that I developed a love/hate relationship with New York at this time. However, can I blame anyone for hw they were feeling at that moment? No, I can't. They were captive in their minds because of all that was happening around them, unless they could be introspective they would probably not even realize what they were doing. We later moved to Michigan.

This past weekend I visited the Ground Zero with my brother in law and father. My brother in law is a pious, religious man, with a full beard and a very obvious look that just screams "Muslim Man". He worked in the Millenium Hilton at that time, so he has a certain attachment for that area. It was about 1:30 am when we decided to go, and I was scared. I was scared the police would stop us and suspect my dad and brother in law, even my mother. I was scared someone would scream some insult and I would lose it.

This feeling of fear in my head was more uncomfortable then the fear itself. Why was I scared? Because I am human. It's because I cannot simply think that someone would not look at us and say what are "they" doing "here" at this hour. Am I condoning this behavior? Absolutely not. However, just try and place yourself in other peoples' mind and thought (and not just their shoes) and then it's easy to love humanity a bit more. It becomes easier to tolerate people when you understand why they may feel this way, what is catalyzing their emotions and what can we do to try and alleviate that type of emotion.

We should not think of ourselves soo highly that we think we are non-judgmental, non-stereotype forming people. The challenge is in challenging your own judgments and stereotypes and understanding when it feels legitimate to feel that way and when the bounds of society have created that notion for us.

Next time I visit the Ground Zero, no matter what time and with who I go with, I will be a little less scared. I will know that even if I get stares and any unfortunate name-calling I can walk away with my head up high. I was affected too and my heart aches for all those lost, then and now. 


I forgot my boots

I graduated on December 2011 and before graduating I put myself hardcore on the job hunt. I attended career fairs, networked, spent hours googling different industries. I knew I was open to the opportunity of exploring a new place and industry that I had not thought of. My liberal arts degree never was an hindrance but more of an advantage because I was able to know how to mold my degree to my choice of profession.

I got a job with Coyote Logistics, jumped at the prospect of this new and innovative industry, signed a year lease and moved to Chicago. Hindsight will always be 20/20. The company is everything it promises to be, so I am not here to bad mouth it in anyway. It does care for its employee and if you are considering applying then you should. However, it was a good company with the wrong mesh of atmosphere for me. It was my first real job opportunity out of college and I failed to look at all the peepholes I should have been peering into. I will have a different post about what I learned and my advice for those seeking work.

I am so blessed to have supportive family members who understood my situation and wanted me back home. I am headed to Michigan and the possibly New York or wherever these roads may lead. The reason I titled my blog post this way is because of a story I want to share.

I may be a forgetful person at times but I usually remember the essentials. I moved to Chicago in the heart of winter, against my mothers protest and my own heart being confused. I packed everything and spent a good week packing. However, while I packed 3 jackets, scarves and gloves; I forgot an essential item, my boots. To me that's like someone who does not really want to swim but wants to enjoy the beach and forgets their bathing suit. Why would my boots not be the first thing I pack? Maybe my heart knew its direction before my mind did.

I have shared this story with some people and some get it and some don't. Either way it is something that I constantly think about. I am so excited with all these new and exciting opportunities coming my way and the fact I am not letting this hold me back. I will be back with a bang in whatever I start to pursue.

The moral is that sometimes we walk into a place and leave an essential part out and then connect the dots looking back (Thanks Steve Jobs), I am willing to explore my own new opportunities and thank Coyote Logistics (Marianne and Jeff Silver) for the opportunity. This time I will not forget my boots wherever I plan to go. 


the pursuit of happiness

I really do understand what that phrase actually means now.
I would go as far as to say that I am generally a happy person. I have a great family, great support system, love and a wonderful job. All those things are a basis for a pretty happy and content life. However, sometimes I realize how we can have so much and yet the "happiness" or serenity we seek can so easily avoid us. Happiness really is a pursuit, it's a task and it's not an easy goal to accomplish.

The thing with happiness is that it's always changing, the way we define it is changing and the situations which makes us happy are always changing. After moving to Chicago I have truly realized that the pursuit of happiness lies in what I feel makes me happy in a certain place. When I moved to Michigan I hated it, until I moved to Ann Arbor for college and made the most amazing friends and met people who will forever be a part of my life. I am not saying that I can't find happiness here or that I won't find happiness but I just have to find a new way to define it.

Right now what gives me happiness is my job and the support I am getting from my parents. Along with my new apartment and the thought of blogging about the progress of how I will decorate it is giving me happiness. Yet I find myself missing my family, my uncle, my cousins and things that I will once again miss out on because I am so far away from home and where I wish I were. I can't complain about where I am at because I love this city and I like change and the transformation that life inevitably takes. I just realize that when I am feeling upset I have to remind myself that it is okay to feel that way, that I am not being ungrateful for what I have. I am simply being human.

Hence why I will introduce to my blog my "pursuit of happiness OTD (of the day)." I want to remind myself that no matter how good or bad things are on a daily basis that there is always one thing I can find and look back on that made me happy. I rather live my life thinking the glass if half full, it seems healthier that way.

my Pursuit of Happyness OTD: I went back to old youtube videos and searched online for some things and came across some monologues from (Yoni Ki Baat) and my IASA dance videos, a big part of my college life and one that I will never forget. I miss college.

Here are the links, enjoy! http://wn.com/zana_and_anjali
 IASA Gypsy 2010: IASA Show 2010 - Gypsy

Also leave a comment so I can get to know my readers and let me know what you would like me to blog about

chitown chic, zana



I have a problem with calling things a new beginning. The truth is, life is just a continuum. We may finish one thing, one hurdle and move on to the next but it does not mean we don't carry the residue of experiences, emotions and people that we left behind in that other "chapter".

I am now in Chicago, it almost seems surreal. I graduated in December and I was sure that it would take me months to find a job, and especially a job I would enjoy. I was fully prepared to settle for something locally and enjoy the time at home until I would become anxious and start trying to venture out However, with a little bit of my hard work and a lot of good fortune I ended up at Coyote. This job and this company is more than I could have imagined for myself and its more than I could express in just one blog post. I know that most of my posts will probably talk about my day at work and all the great things I hope to achieve over the course of time there but for now lets just say I am where I need to be.

I wanted to make a blog mostly for my own recorded thoughts, so that I could look back and see what this new continuum has to bring. This is no doubt a great leap from the daily woes of homework, college and occasionally partying. I intend to have fun and enjoy this city and take full advantage but I intend to work even harder for this company because trust me they deserve a great worker. The type of respect and emotions the CEO, his wife, and the employees have for each other is impeccable.

This really shows me how important it is to keep an open mind. When we are in college we are trying to find our way around what we want to do and who we are but sometimes even in the course of a month or two things may change. It's important to keep an open mind and really know what it is you are looking for. I told myself that after graduating I would take a break from school and wanted to venture out into different industries, ones I had never gave a simple glance to. The one common thread all these different industries had was that they all needed to have a good philosophy and great work ethics. I landed on Coyote by chance but its exactly what I could hope for. I know I will have bad and good days with the company and what I am feeling now won't always be constant but I doubt the way the company works will change anytime soon, if ever.

Keep an open mind to things you want to do but keep an even more open mind to things you may never thought you could do. It's imperative for our own mental, physical and emotional growth to experience things we may have never thought we would be capable of.

This city, from the start, is starting to get me over my big and small fears and really tackling my weaknesses and helping me grow. I don't mean that in vague terms but I will talk about this more later. For now all I can say is that in the continuum of your own life and your own endeavors keep an open mind for what is it to come and don't take opportunities for granted.