
I forgot my boots

I graduated on December 2011 and before graduating I put myself hardcore on the job hunt. I attended career fairs, networked, spent hours googling different industries. I knew I was open to the opportunity of exploring a new place and industry that I had not thought of. My liberal arts degree never was an hindrance but more of an advantage because I was able to know how to mold my degree to my choice of profession.

I got a job with Coyote Logistics, jumped at the prospect of this new and innovative industry, signed a year lease and moved to Chicago. Hindsight will always be 20/20. The company is everything it promises to be, so I am not here to bad mouth it in anyway. It does care for its employee and if you are considering applying then you should. However, it was a good company with the wrong mesh of atmosphere for me. It was my first real job opportunity out of college and I failed to look at all the peepholes I should have been peering into. I will have a different post about what I learned and my advice for those seeking work.

I am so blessed to have supportive family members who understood my situation and wanted me back home. I am headed to Michigan and the possibly New York or wherever these roads may lead. The reason I titled my blog post this way is because of a story I want to share.

I may be a forgetful person at times but I usually remember the essentials. I moved to Chicago in the heart of winter, against my mothers protest and my own heart being confused. I packed everything and spent a good week packing. However, while I packed 3 jackets, scarves and gloves; I forgot an essential item, my boots. To me that's like someone who does not really want to swim but wants to enjoy the beach and forgets their bathing suit. Why would my boots not be the first thing I pack? Maybe my heart knew its direction before my mind did.

I have shared this story with some people and some get it and some don't. Either way it is something that I constantly think about. I am so excited with all these new and exciting opportunities coming my way and the fact I am not letting this hold me back. I will be back with a bang in whatever I start to pursue.

The moral is that sometimes we walk into a place and leave an essential part out and then connect the dots looking back (Thanks Steve Jobs), I am willing to explore my own new opportunities and thank Coyote Logistics (Marianne and Jeff Silver) for the opportunity. This time I will not forget my boots wherever I plan to go.